Sunday, April 19, 2009


"My heart is set on keeping your decrees to the very end." Psalm 119:112 I know it has been sometime since my last post. Many of you who know me, know that I ONLY write a post when God Himself prompts my heart to do so. These past two weeks, I kept waiting...wondering. Then, God gave me the post. It came about when my son, Canaan, said something so sweet and Innocent, yet inspired by the very God of Abraham, Moses, and Jacob. May God speak to your heart as He did to mine through the wisdom of a child.... "Mommy! I can feel my heart beating," Canaan said, with his little hand over his chest. " That's wonderful babe!" (I said, making a big deal over this as a proud momma does :-) But his next sentence caused me to be almost speechless. Turning to walk away, Canaan looked at me and said, "Mommy, it will just keep beating til' I get to Heaven." Wow. I began to think, "Am I really living day to day, with my heart 'beating' only for Him? Am I so attached to the world that I forget to see it as only my temporary destination? I searched for the definition of the word heartbeat. It means, 'one complete pulsation of the heart'. At that moment, it occurred to me that I must monitor my spiritual heartbeat. ''One complete pulsation"... I am not complete without my Lord as the driving force of my day and night. Once you have given your heart to God, He owns it. He possesses it. But the heartbeat of our spiritual life is all about the relationship with Him on a daily basis. We, as His children, must keep 'beating' until He returns or until He calls us to be with Him. I must confess that in my spiritual heart, the beat is sometimes so soft and slow it becomes dangerous. My spiritual heartbeat becomes irregular. Irregular, by one definition, means "lacking perfect symmetry." How descriptive of my relationship with God at times. I so very often lack that perfect symmetry when I am one with Him and He is leading all my decisions, all my emotions, all of my thoughts, resulting in all (not just some) of my words. Yes, it is no mystery that our world is a very difficult place to be. However, it is required by God's people to be His very heartbeat, reaching out to those who have no hope. You may say, "how can I reach out to others when I, myself, seem to have so much despair?" The answer comes through checking your own spiritual heartbeat before you can be His. It is about the relationship (the symmetry of your heartbeat with His). Proverbs 4:23 says, "Above all else, guard your heart, for it is the wellspring of life." Wellspring means 'a source of continual supply'. Supply of what? Luke 6:45 tells us that whatever is stored up in the heart is whatever comes out of the heart. Today, will you join me in checking your spiritual heartbeat? Is is faint because of trials you are going through? Is is irregular because it is not one with our Lord in a close relationship? I pray that after reading this post, you will give your heart to Jesus if you don't know Him as Lord and Savior. If you have accepted Christ through salvation, I pray you check your spiritual heartbeat and run to Him, seeking a close relationship with Him. And then... may it be our passion to "beat" until He comes! Love, Corrie My prayer for today: Lord, how I long for you to come back for your children. This world is such a struggle. Pain, sadness, and death whirl around me. Make my heart beat strong for you. Help me to remember that your power lives in me through your Holy Spirit. May I stay close to you to continue to run the race until you come again...